Friday, May 17, 2024
6:30 to 8:00pm
North Fellowship Hall of ASA
Opening Prayer.................Father Matthew
Opening Remarks........Mrs. Blankenstein
Entrance & Transition Music played by our Middle School Students
Biddy Bum Biddy Bum
Dona Nobis
Down in the Valley
Ode to Joy
Class Presentations
Grammar 1: Bone Song & 10 Commandments
Grammar 2
Middle School: Pater Noster & Bible Song
Montessori: The Continent Song
Selections from the "The Sound of Music" sung by the ASA Student Body
Doe A Deer
My Favorite Things
So Long, Farewell
Christ is Risen (Latin)
Christ is Risen (Greek)
Christ is Risen (English)
A BIG thank you to Mrs. Northend, our teachers & staff, and all the volunteers who came together to make this very special event happen!!
Have you purchased your Gala tickets yet? There's still plenty of time!
here to purchase your ticket(s) or table.
Unable to attend the Gala on June 8th and want to make a donation to cover someone else's ticket? Click here and select the package titled "cash donation."
Thank you for your support!
We could not do what we do without YOU!
Agia Sophia Academy. All rights reserved.