Agia Sophia Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Private School. Your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent provided by the law.
Our federal tax identification number is 27-0089608.
The tuition that our families pay only cover, on average, 60% of our annual budget needs. We rely on private donations and grants to make up the remaining 40% from community members like you.
There are so many ways to contribute to ASA. Take a look at the links below for ideas – you can donate your time, talents and treasures! Please support Agia Sophia Academy.
There are multiple methods through which you can make a contribution to the School.
There are multiple methods through which you can make a contribution to the School.
Fundraisers and our volunteers help with a variety of school needs.
Gifts of cash are the most popular way to make a charitable contribution and may be in the form of cash, checks, money orders, bank drafts or currency. In cases where gifts are made in cash, the valuation is the amount of the cash.
Gifts of securities will be valued at the average market value on the date the full interest in the transferred property is received. Gifts of privately held securities are also acceptable based on the Steering Committee’s approval.
Many donors work for “Matching Gift Companies.” These employers match all or part of a donation that the employee makes to Agia Sophia. For example, if an employee makes a contribution of $1,000, the Matching Gift Company could donate an additional $1,000 to the Academy. What a deal! Donors are encouraged to inquire if their employer matches charitable contributions to non-profits like ASA.
A gift through a will is a common and easy deferred gift. A bequest is an instruction in your will that a certain portion of your estate be given to a named beneficiary.
Charitable bequests to Agia Sophia Academy allow you to extend your support beyond your lifetime. They are a means of providing a meaningful gift without diminishing assets during a donor’s lifetime.
An irrevocable gift of a life insurance policy with Agia Sophia Academy named as the owner and beneficiary presents a very appealing way of making an outright charitable gift. You can also become the insured of a new whole life policy with Agia Sophia Academy being the owner and beneficiary and you make a tax-deductible contribution to the Academy equal to the premium payments.
You may choose to gift property to Agia Sophia Academy and deduct the fair market value as a charitable contribution. However, if the property has decreased in value, it is better to sell the property, take a capital loss and gift the proceeds from the sale.
A gift of tangible property that is related to our exempt function may be deducted at the fair market value of the property without the payment of any capital gains on the appreciation. That is, provided the property has been owned more than twelve months.
Have a car or truck to donate? ASA has partnered with Volunteers of America to accept vehicle donations on our behalf. Running or not, they pick it up free of charge, you get the tax deduction and we get the profit.
Help support ASA through your regular activities and purchases:
Do you have a Bottle Drop account? You can choose ASA as your featured fundraiser and donate your can collection funds to us! If not, pick up an ASA Blue Fundraising Bag and fill it with bottles & cans. You can drop it off at the school or any Bottle Drop location by scanning the stickers.
Support nonprofits like us just by shopping at Fred Meyer. Link your Fred Meyer rewards card to ASA (ID# EM987) at and use it when you shop at Fred Meyer.
Scan your receipts to collect “Box Tops for Education” labels off specially marked General Mills food packages and household items, and help earn money for the school. (receipts must be scanned within 2 weeks of purchase)
Looking for Montessori materials to encourage and support young children at home? Every time you place an order from the Montessori Services "For Small Hands" catalog or online at with our school ID# 195043, ASA earns credits (up to 10% of your merchandise total) towards valuable Montessori materials for the classrooms.
Shop at Office Depot or Office Max for all of your school supplies and be sure to provide our school's 5% Back to Schools ID number (70207728) each time you make a purchase. Office Depot/Max will total the qualifying purchases made during each program period and award ASA 5% of the qualifying purchases in merchandise credit towards *FREE* supplies!
Register your store loyalty cards (like the Safeway Club Card) on the e-Scrip website, and every time you use your card at that participating stores, Agia Sophia gets a percentage of the sale. It’s a great no-hassle way to help us raise funds for the school, sign up at
Help us expand our library selection by donating a book or two (new or gently used) from the ASA Library Wish List.
Supplement the classroom with some of the teacher requested items listed on our Classroom Wish List.
Fundraisers and Volunteers help with a variety of school needs:
In order to keep tuition affordable to all, ASA must raise additional funds each year to close the funding gap between tuition and operating costs. We have two major fundraising events: the Greek Open Golf Tournament & the ASA Gala.
Donating your time and talents is an important and much-appreciated way to support ASA. There is always something that needs to be done!
Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering at ASA or any of our events.
This annual event is held every September at Langdon Farms Golf Club in Aurora. The Greek Open includes lunch, a fun day of golf, delicious Greek dinner and silent auction. If you have items or services you’d like to donate for the auction, please contact us.
Agia Sophia Academy. All rights reserved.